This Environment is part of MaMuJoCo environments. Please read that page first for general information. The task is Gymansium’s MuJoCo/Reacher.
Action Space¶
The shape of the action space depends on the partitioning. The partitioning has the following form:
if partitioning is None:¶

Instantiate |
Agents |
Number of Agents |
1 |
Action Spaces |
Part partition |
If partitioning, is None
, then the environment contains a single agent with the same action space as Gymansium’s MuJoCo/Reacher.
Num |
Action |
Control Min |
Control Max |
Name (in corresponding XML file) |
Joint |
Unit |
0 |
Torque applied at the first hinge (connecting the link to the point of fixture) |
-1 |
1 |
joint0 |
hinge |
torque (N m) |
1 |
Torque applied at the second hinge (connecting the two links) |
-1 |
1 |
joint1 |
hinge |
torque (N m) |
if partitioning == “2x1”:¶

Instantiate |
Agents |
Number of Agents |
2 |
Action Spaces |
Part partition |
The environment is partitioned in 2 parts, one part corresponding to the first joint, and one part corresponding to the second joint.
Agent 0 action space¶
Num |
Action |
Control Min |
Control Max |
Name (in corresponding XML file) |
Joint |
Unit |
0 |
Torque applied at the first hinge (connecting the link to the point of fixture) |
-1 |
1 |
joint0 |
hinge |
torque (N m) |
Agent 1 action space¶
Num |
Action |
Control Min |
Control Max |
Name (in corresponding XML file) |
Joint |
Unit |
0 |
Torque applied at the second hinge (connecting the two links) |
-1 |
1 |
joint1 |
hinge |
torque (N m) |
Observation Space¶
Observation Categories |
Default |
Default |
Supported observation categories |
Besides the local observation of each agent (which depend on their parts of the agent, the observation categories and the observation depth), each agent also observes the position of the reacher’s target object. See more at the Gymnasium’s Reacher.
All agents receive the same Gymnasium’s Reacher reward.
Starting state¶
The starting state of the environment is the same as Gymnasium’s Reacher.
Episode End¶
All agent terminate and truncate at the same time, given the same conditions as Gymnasium’s Reacher.
Version History¶
Now based on
instead ofGymnasium/MuJoCo-v4
v0: Initial version release, uses Gymnasium.MuJoCo-v4, and is a fork of the original MaMuJoCo schroederdewitt/multiagent_mujoco. Changes from the original
(schroederdewitt/multiagent_mujoco):Added/Fixed Global observations (The Targets’s coordinates:
) not being observed.